Saturday, June 8, 2013

Garden of Rocks

I went on a bus trip to Kingaroy. We were taken to see this beautiful garden which doesn't need much up keep like watering, and mowing. But a lot of hard work went into setting up the display. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Photos Taken on Recent Bus Trip

Man on horse monument Gayndah

Park in Gayndah

Bottle Tree Gayndah

Bottle Tree Gayndah

Painting Gayndah Bowling Club

Gayndah Bowling Club

Tables set for our lunch Gayndah

Gayndah Bowling Club

Table Centre 

Biggenden Park Wattle Tree

Lion's Park Biggenden

Lion's Park Biggenden

Wattle Tree in bloom

Morning Tea Lion's Park Biggenden

                                                     Morning Tea Biggenden

These were taken when on a trip to Biggenden and Gayndah on Monday. Went with a different set of people. A different one to the sightseeing trips. A day out for RSL members. Need extra people to fill the bus.